Below are the official format and rules for the Williamsburg Pickleball Autumn League, 2024. These details may be updated as needed and those published here are the official rules and supersede any you may have seen elsewhere or previously.
This league is not for people who have never played pickleball or novice beginners. If you have played pickleball a handful of times of less, you do not belong in league play. A pickleball league is a competitive environment and players should expect that their opponents are skilled and competing to win against similarly skilled players.

League Format

League Dates. League play will start on the dates below and continue for seven weeks. Matches are assigned to a specific start time and court number.
Men’s Doubles. Monday evenings, Sept. 16 – Oct. 28, 4:30pm – 9:00pm.
Women’s Doubles. Monday evenings, Sept. 16 – Oct. 28, 4:30pm – 9:00pm.
Mixed Doubles. Tuesday evenings, Sept. 17 – Oct. 29, 5:00pm – 8:00pm.
If both teams agree to reschedule the match, you can play your match on a different date or time. Any scheduled match can be played and reported until two days before the start of the following week’s scheduled match. For example, women’s and men’s doubles matches must be completed and the scores reported by 9:00 PM of the Saturday night before the next scheduled Monday evening match. Mixed doubles matches must be played and the scores reported by 9:00 PM of the Sunday night before the next scheduled Tuesday evening match.
If a match is being rescheduled, teams are required to notify the league by email of the date and time of the rescheduled match, and also email the match results with the individual game scores (i.e. Team A wins 11-6, 9-11, 11-3).
If both teams have agreed to reschedule a match to a new date/time, if one of the teams can’t make the rescheduled match, the team that can’t make it forfeits. If neither team can make the rescheduled match (due to rainout or other unforeseen circumstances), the match is recorded as a “no match.”

Competitions. There are three categories: Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Men’s Doubles. Mixed doubles teams must have one woman and one man.

Skill Levels. Players of various skill levels from intermediate to advanced compete on the same ladder. Teams are ranked for week one based on previous league performance, known skill level, or the players’ stated skill levels at registration. Teams move up or down the ladder based on match results. This method keeps teams playing opponents among their peer skill levels. The league may manually move teams after the first week matches to correct initial ranking errors.

Fees. There is a $15 per person registration fee charged by James City County. The money covers Veterans Park court reservations and prizes.

Teams. Each team is composed of two players. A player can be on a mixed doubles team and a men’s or women’s team if desired. Players must commit to playing one match per week on scheduled league play dates. Teams qualifying for the playoff round will play more than one match in the final week.
If a team drops out of the competition, the league will select a replacement team that assumes the ladder position and accumulated league points of the departing team.

Injuries. In the event of an injury to one team member, the injured player’s partner has the option to utilize a sub (per the sub rules below), to find a permanent replacement, or to forfeit matches for up to two weeks, until the injured player is able to return. Once an injured player has been replaced, that injured player is not allowed to return to the league.
No player can be replaced or substituted for during a match once the match has started.
If a team is unable to compete in half or more of all matches due to an injury, the team will either be replaced by the league or a permanent replacement will be found for the injured player, depending on the circumstances and at the discretion of the league.
Any player who replaces an injured player must be of roughly equal skill level of the player being replaced.
Ringer Clause: A team that is competing for the top three ladder or league points positions will not be allowed to replace or sub for an injured player during the final week of the league without league approval.

League Play. Teams play in a ladder format, with each team playing one adjacent team each week. For example, the team in the #1 position on the ladder will play the team in the #2 position; the team in the #3 position on the ladder will play the team in the #4 position, etc.
In order to minimize matches against duplicate opponents, teams may be matched against non-adjacent teams. Teams retain their ladder positions regardless of their match position.
Ladder positions and schedules for all matchups after the first week are determined by math calculations based on the previous week’s performances of all teams. However, the league may manually move teams after the first week matches to correct initial ranking errors.
All match schedules will be posted online within two days before the scheduled competition date each week.
During the final week of competition, the top four teams on each ladder, and any undefeated teams, will face each other in a single elimination playoff to determine the final positions. The exact format of the ladder playoff will be determined by the number of teams involved.
The league points competition will not include ladder playoff match results.

League Points. Teams are awarded league points for each match played depending on the results of each match, and there is a separate competition for league points independent of ladder positions. The math formulas that determine league point standings are available on the league points page.

Pickleballs. Teams need to supply their own pickleballs and paddles. Players may use any brand of pickleball as long as all players in a match agree. If teams cannot agree on a brand of ball, Franklin 40 outdoor pickleballs will be used, if players have them available. If Franklin 40 pickleballs are not available, a coin toss (or other random method) will determine the brand of ball used for the match.

Forfeits. If one of the teams fails to show up for a match within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, or doesn’t arrive with both players ready to compete, that team will forfeit the match, provided the opponent shows up ready to play. The forfeited match will be scored as a 0-0, 0-0 win for the team that showed up. The non-forfeiting team will receive league points for the win but no league points for the score differential. If neither team is able to play a match, the match is recorded as a “no match” with neither team receiving any league points.
If a team withdraws from the league and cannot be replaced with another team by the league, the team that withdraws will remain on the ladder and each of its matches after withdrawing will be treated as a forfeit.

Venue Location. League play will take place on reserved courts numbered 1, 3, 5, 7 at Veterans Park. Open play and court availability for non-league play on un-reserved courts must be respected.

Location: 3793 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg
In the event both teams agree to play at an alternate court venue that requires access control, host teams must arrange for gate access and the completion of any required waivers for that venue.

Weather. Matches may be re-scheduled by teams at the indoor facilities WISC or Quarterpath in the event of inclement weather, if both teams agree. Every player will be responsible for paying their own entry fee for those facilities if they are not members.

Matches. Matches are played in a best-of-three-games format, with each game winner scoring a minimum of eleven points per game. Winners must win each game by two points. If the same team wins the first and second games, there is no need to play the third game.

Sides and Servers. Teams will switch sides of the court after each game. The starting sides and servers will be determined by a coin toss or similar random method, with the coin toss winner picking either the side or the server, and the loser picking the remaining.
If there is a third game, teams will switch sides of the court after the first team to score six points.
The team that was not the first server in game one will be the first server in game two. If there is a third game, the team that served first in game one is the first server of game three.

League Winners. Winners will be declared in each of the three categories based on two separate and equal criteria: 1.) the teams that finish in the top positions on the ladder after the playoff round; and 2.) the teams with the best total accumulated league points. Teams do not need to finish at the top of the ladder to have the best accumulated league points.

Prizes. Teams with the highest ladder positions, as well as the teams with the largest number of league points in each of the three categories will win prizes, to be announced.


Official Rulebook. The league will follow the current version of the USA Pickleball rulebook, 2024 edition, found here: USA Pickleball Official Rulebook and Rules Summary
These rules include, but are not limited to:
● 2.E. Players must use USA Pickleball approved paddles.
● 4.A.2. The serve may clear or touch the net (i.e. a let serve that lands ‘in’ is played.)
● 4.F. A team scores points only when serving (i.e. no rally scoring.)
● 6.C.1. Players are responsible for calling the lines on their end of the court, including out balls, short serves, service foot faults and all non-volley-zone faults. Strive for accuracy and operate under the principle that all questionable calls must be resolved in favor of the opponent.
● 6.C.3. A player cannot claim a replay because the ball was not seen or there is uncertainty (i.e. replays are not allowed – make a call and play on.)
● 10.A. A team is entitled to two time-outs for each 11-point game. Each time-out period may last up to 1 minute.
● 10.B.2. Players will be allowed 15 minutes for a medical time-out.

Substitutes. Rules for utilizing substitutes are detailed on the substitutes page here.
Last Updated: 10/17/2024
Changes and corrections:
10/17/2024. In USAPA rule 6.C.3. corrected a typo: “replays are now allowed” changed to “replays are not allowed”.