League Points

In addition to winning the league by finishing on top of the ladder, awards will also be given to the teams with the highest number of league points. There are a maximum of 100 league points to be split between the two opposing teams for each match.

League points are allocated for winning games in the best-of-three match (50 points total, 50% of the total available points), and for each point scored in the match as a percentage of the total points scored (50 points total, 50% of the total available points.)

League Points for Winning Games: There are 50 league points available for winning games in a match. A team that wins a match by winning two games and losing no games, collects all 50 league points. If a match is played to three games, the 50 points are split between the two teams with the winning team getting 2/3 of the 50 league points (33.33 league points) and the losing team getting 1/3 of the 50 league points (16.66 league points.)

League Points for Scoring Points in a Match: There are 50 league points available for scoring points in a match. If the winning team scores a total of 22 points and the losing team scores a total of 11 points (for example, the game scores are 11-6, 11-5), then the winning team gets 2/3 of the 50 available league points and the losing team gets 1/3 of the 50 available league points. If the game scores are 11-9, 6-11, 11-8, then both teams scored 28 points and each team is awarded 50% of the 50 available league points (25 league points each.)

A team will collect all 100 points if it has a perfect match by winning the best-of-three games with two 11-0, 11-0 game scores. In this scenario, the winning team collects all 50 league game points for winning 100% of the games and earns all 50 league points for total points scored for winning 100% of the points.