The following details how substitutes are handled in the Williamsburg Pickleball league for teams needing substitutes and for players who are substitutes.
If you are a team needing a substitute:
- Subs should only be considered once all rescheduling options have been exhausted.
- A sub cannot be used once a match had begun. Subs can only be used before the start of a match and only after the league is notified that you are using a sub.
- A team can only utilize subs twice during the duration of the league, either once for each player or twice for the same player.
- A team cannot have two subs the same week, i.e. one of the original players on the team has to play.
- The same sub can be used both times by a team. A sub can become a permanent replacement for a player after being a sub previously, if a player is on a team is being permanently replaced.
- No subs will be allowed in the playoff round for any team that is in contention for the ladder or league points medals without approval by the league and only under extraordinary circumstances.
- It is each team’s responsibility to find a sub. Subs can be selected from an existing sub list, or teams can find their own subs. All subs have to register with JCC prior to the match to agree to the JCC waiver.
- Subs have to be the same basic skill level as the person being subbed for.
If you are a substitute:
- Teams may contact us when they need a substitute, or they may obtain a sub on their own.
- If you are assigned as a substitute, either by the league or obtained by the team directly, you must agree to the online James City County waiver.
- No team can use a substitute more than two times during the duration of the league.
- All substitutes are assigned prior to the start of a match so there is no need to show up on game day if you haven’t been assigned to a team.
Last Updated: 9/1/2024